Segment 1 Contracts

Please print out both the Segment 1 Contract and Registration form and return it to our office, along with payment, by mail or during our normal business hours. We will also need to verify for the students birth certificate at registration.

Microsoft Word document [34.0 KB] Seg+1+Woodhaven+Contract.doc
Microsoft Word document [34.0 KB] Segment 1 Registration Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [11.9 KB]

Segment 1 classes consist of the following:

Segment 2 Contracts

Please print out the Segment 2 Contract and return it to our office, along with payment, by mail or during our normal business hours. We will also need to copy the students Level 1 license. The student must have their Level 1 License for a minimum of 90 days prior to the start of Segment 2.