Answers To Objections

After careful study of the supposed reasons offered for not accepting
the teachings of Seventh-day Adventists, the author answers in this
volume those which are most commonly encountered. It was on this basis
that the author compiled the list of objections considered in this book.
The objections answered in this unique and most helpful encyclopedic
volume are not straw men, but real problems faced by every minister,
evangelist, literature evangelist, layman, and youth soul winner who
seeks to promote Seventh-day Adventist teachings.

Издательство: Teach Services, Inc. PDF, 4.77 MB CID , CID Blake2b english, 2014 Конвертировать в Отправить на Бумажная версия Хотите добавить книжный магазин? Свяжитесь с нами по В течение 1-5 минут файл будет доставлен на ваш email.

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