Mission Trip Debriefing Guide

Debriefing is a time of reflection. It is important to debrief during your mission trip, at the end of your trip, and once you are back home. This allows you to think repeatedly and in different contexts about how your experiences on the trip can give glory to God. Make sure you have your mission trip debriefing plan in place before you leave for your trip.

Debriefing guidance for every stage of your trip

It is amazing how much you forget once you are home. To help you remember your experiences, spend time journaling each day during your trip, even if you don’t like to write. Encourage the rest of your team to do the same. As you journal each night, think about these questions:

Take time to discuss the questions below as a team and with your hosts:

At the end of your trip, have each person write a letter to themselves about their week and the impact it had on them. Encourage them to write about how they will continue to serve once they are back home. Mail them their letters six months after returning home.

The end of the week should also include a focused time of deeper reflection as a group. Prepare some weighty discussion questions for this time. Participants could also share parts of their letters with each other. Be sure to include a focus on what the Holy Spirit is saying to the group as a whole and to each individual through this trip. Ask these questions:

Just like going to a new place, returning home can be an adjustment. Your team may experience reverse culture shock. They may feel angry, frustrated, or guilty for all the things they have and the comfortable lifestyle they lead.

Adjusting to being back home after a powerful mission experience

Questions to help you process your mission trip experience: